Startrek fan? Then this app might amaze you! This app can translate your English into the famous fictional
Startrek languages of Klingon, Vulcan and Romulan.
The Klingon language is the language spoken by the fictional Klingons in the Star Trek universe. Within the
fictional universe of Star Trek, klingon is derived from the original language spoken by the messianic
figure Kahless the Unforgettable, who united the Klingon home-world of QoʼnoS under one empire more than
1500 years ago. Many dialects exist, but the standardized dialect of prestige is almost invariably that of
the sitting emperor.
The Vulcan language is a fictional language in the Star Trek universe. Vulcan names as spoken and written
among non-Vulcans were, at best, only approximations of actual Vulcan names. Correct pronunciations using
Vulcan phonemes, and accurate type-setting was extremely difficult for non-natives. Linguist Marc Okrand is credited for creating the Vulcan spoken language for Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. In the actual movies, the dialogues were usually spoken in English and later dubbed to Vulcan.
The Romulan language was used within the Romulan Star Empire. Its written form consists of square and
rectangular letters. The spoken language had three dialects, and was difficult to distinguish from the
Vulcan language to those not proficient in it. It was also known as Rihannsu. There was a joint project
between the Romulan Reclamation Site and the Borg Reclamation Project, thus announcements, signage and crew
conversations tended to be in both English and Romulan.